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Christmas is a time of indulgence. During the festive season, lots of rich foods could lead to digestive disturbances like constipation and/or bloating. The NHS suggests if constipation or bloating lasts longer than 1-2 weeks, you should seek a medical consultation with your GP. If your bowel concerns are down lots of seasonal treats, you may want to consider a colonic cleanse.

Colonic hydrotherapy helps to reset the system when constipated/ bloated or following a season of overindulgence in rich foods. Constipation can be due to not having enough fibre or water in your diet; this is exacerbated if you are seasonally stressed out. If you are constipated, there may also be toxins in your body that will contribute to bloating.

One of the most effective ways of ridding your body of toxins is through colonic irrigation (also known as colon cleansing).

It can help to remove congested faecal waste, built-up gas, excess mucus, and toxins.

If you eat processed fast foods, you are more likely to suffer constipation and bloating. Eating more water-soluble fibre in the form of fresh fruit and vegetables can help ease constipation and bloating as it allows everything to move through the intestine quickly. Increasing your water intake and restarting your normal exercise regime can also be of great benefit.

Food fads can come and go, but constipation feels like it is forever!

It's one of those things that you either suffer from or know someone who does. Many people don't necessarily realise that constipation can be largely due to lifestyle choices or too much rich food over the festive period. Your bowel movements are an indication of how healthy you are; constipation can be a sign of excess toxicity within the body.

Bloating discomfort is often one of the first signs that constipation is not far behind.

The solution may be a colonic cleanse. To ensure you get the best result from your colonic, I

recommend you carry out a lemon cleanse the day before your appointment. These details are available on my website, or I can email them when you book in.

A regular colonic cleanse may help you to reset your system and prevent constipation from

happening again.

Colonic Irrigation, also called colon hydrotherapy, is a process that uses water to clean the lower bowel. Colonic therapy has many benefits for your health and wellbeing including relief from constipation, better digestion and elimination, increased energy levels and a reduction in bloating. In this blog post I will discuss how you can get the most out of your experience with Colon Hydrotherapy by following these steps:

You can support your body by eating fibre-rich foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains like brown rice or barley. This helps ensure that waste moves through your colon quickly which minimizes contact time with harmful toxins. Minerals like magnesium and calcium are also essential for good bowel health so make sure to include plenty of them in your diet as well.

Water is the best way to cleanse your body from the inside out, and colon hydrotherapy is one of the most effective ways to do that. Make sure to drink at least six to eight glasses of water every day and you will be well on your way towards a healthy body, inside and out. And remember, a healthy diet and plenty of water are essential for getting the most out of your colonic therapy session. I hope you have found this blog post helpful.

For more information on Colon Hydrotherapy and its many benefits, please visit my website at

Thanks for reading!


While Irritable Bowel Syndrome is the name given to longstanding symptoms consisting of frequent abdominal discomfort and bowel disturbances that any other disease cannot explain, a doctor should always diagnose IBS.

Please do not attempt to diagnose yourself or with the help of (as much as we love it) Google!

Don’t hesitate to see your GP; they will carry out a careful history to identify any Red Flag symptoms and refer you for any test that they consider necessary.

When I first speak to you on the phone (and if IBS is your concern), I will ask if you have

received a diagnosis from the GP or consultants? This will let me know that you have been

investigated for all serious abdominal complaints, and I am safe to treat you. 

If, when we speak, you let me know you have not yet discussed your symptoms with your

GP, I will ask you to via them before coming forward for a Colonic.

IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion; there is not test or marker that is specific for IBS.

Your doctor’s priority is to ensure you haven’t got a life-threatening treatable condition such

as Coeliac Disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s Disease, or Ulcerative Colitis). Any disease that affects the bowels can cause symptoms that are identical to IBS.  

Frequent symptoms such as Bloating, explosive diarrhoea, constantly feeling over full,

constipation, incomplete bowel movements, excessive aggressive wind, spasm and

cramping are very obvious, but if you are also experiencing or have been feeling: -

Recent weight loss, whilst for most of us we would be happy with this.

However, if you have lost more than half a stone (3kg) with no changes in your diet or

lifestyle and you’re not actively trying, then you should check this with your doctor.

Blood in the stools or from the rectum.

Although in many cases, rectal bleeding is caused by haemorrhoids (piles) which often develop in people with IBS;

  • Regular blood loss from the rectum should never be ignored as it could be a symptom of colitis or cancer.

  • Constant fever and a general feeling of discomfort (attacks of sweating, shivering and

  • tiredness)

  • A persistent unexplained change in bowel habit for no apparent reason (diet, stress or

  • medication) is essential in somebody over 50 years of age.

  • A family history of bowel or ovarian cancer.

  • You need to consult with your GP immediately; please don’t sit on problems…The GP will be

  • more than happy to see you and arrange for samples to be taken.

  • Some of the tests carried out on blood or stool samples are.

  • Haemoglobin (for anaemia).

  • White cell count, c-reactive (for infection or inflammation).

  • Tissue transglutaminase antibodies, anti-glial in antibodies (for Coeliac Disease).

  • Faecal calprotectin (for inflammatory Bowel Disease).

  • Faecal Occult Blood (for Bowel Cancer).

When all these come back as negative, then you may be advised you have IBS. Should you

have a positive result; your GP will send you for further scans and colonoscopy.

Even if you have been diagnosed with IBS, if your symptoms change, then you should seek

further medical advice.

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